Upcoming Events

Stay updated on the exciting golf tournaments planned for Heppy's Golf Society. Discover the schedule for the 6 rounds of golf to be played during the year.

Head Down Follow Through Trophy to be played on April 13th at Kilnwick Percy Golf Club

Previous Winner - Graham Smith

Grip It & Rip It Cup to be played on May 18th at Forest Park Golf Club

Previous Winner - Corey Winton

Captain's Stableford to be played on June 22nd at Cottingham Parks Golf Club

Previous Winner - Corey Winton

Let The Big Dog Eat Trophy to be played on July 27th at Styrupp Hall Golf Club

Previous Winner - Ryan Jackson

Curly Cup to be played on September 7th at Doncaster Golf Club

Previous Winner - Harry Broadley

Christmas Texas Scramble - Ray Jessney Memorial Trophy - to be played on xx/xx/xxxx at TBD Golf Course

Previous Winners -