If a player scores above/below 36 points in a stableford competition their handicap is cut/raised in accordance with the table below.

If a player scores below 26 points they would still only gain 1.0 shot on their handicap to prevent anyone scoring a very low score on purpose to get their handicap raised for the next competition.

Handicaps are capped at 36.0

Stableford Points Handicap Changes
46 Lose 1.0
45 Lose 0.9
44 Lose 0.8
43 Lose 0.7
42 Lose 0.6
41 Lose 0.5
40 Lose 0.4
39 Lose 0.3
38 Lose 0.2
37 Lose 0.1
36 No Change
35 Gain 0.1
34 Gain 0.2
33 Gain 0.3
32 Gain 0.4
31 Gain 0.5
30 Gain 0.6
29 Gain 0.7
28 Gain 0.8
27 Gain 0.9
26 Gain 1.0